I’m so excited to share this interview with Rachel Nicks, the founder of Birth Queen with you on the Mavens of Motherhood podcast. Rachel is a MIRROR trainer, yoga teacher, doula, lactation counselor, mother and founder of the nonprofit Birth Queen. You might say, “She wears a lot of hats!” She is a pisces with a lot of feelings and couldn’t just sit around and watch what is happening to birthing people and especially her fellow black mothers in the healthcare industry! Did you know that there is a maternal health crisis in the US? The US is the only industrialized nation with a consistently rising maternal mortality rate, despite spending more per capita on health care than any other country. Black birthing women in the United States are dying at 3 to 4 times the rate than white women. Race is not a risk factor in maternal health.. Racism is. She has seen first hand how racism puts black mothers’ lives at risk in the birthing room.
Birth Queen came to her in a vision. She heard it as a mantra, “Birth, Queen!” Birth Queen is bringing awareness to the black maternal wellness crisis. Birth Queen provides resources for black families and financial resources for black providers and birth experts. We can change these statistics if we talk about, bring awareness and offer up free resources to the communities that need it most. The most impactful work is empowering and educating more black providers for the black community.
This conversation is high energy and vibrant, full of vulnerability and real feelings! Rachel is an incredible beacon of hope for the community. If you feel moved by this interview please share it with a friend, leave a review and comment on this post. If you feel called to be the change you wish to see in the future, please donate to Birth Queen today.
“I didn’t understand why empowered, educated, amazing, super successful women felt like they couldn’t have a baby.”
– Rachel Nicks
Rachel first noticed the lack of education for expecting people in the fitness industry as a yoga teacher and trainer. She became certified in pre/postnatal fitness and started empowering expecting students in her classes. “You have to go home” She told a postpartum mama in a yoga class. She came to her class just a couple days postpartum. The toxic bounce back culture in America needs to stop and movement during pregnancy and postpartum goes beyond looking a certain way.
As a Mirror trainer, Mirror has given her an international platform to be able to empower and educate women in the prenatal and postpartum stage of life through movement and fitness. Rachel’s classes make movement fun, accessible and challenging with the proper technique. It is so important to work with a trainer or yoga teacher that is trained in pre/postnatal fitness.
Rachel says, “Everyone was born at the hands of a black woman. Midwives were traditionally female black slaves. We need to understand how we got here.” Birth in America needs a make over and women need more supportive options. The US is the only industrialized nation with a consistently rising maternal mortality rate, despite spending more per capita on health care than any other country. Black birthing women in the United States are dying at 3 to 4 times the rate than white women.
We ALL need to work together with doulas, midwives, lactation counselors, chiropractors, physical therapists to get back to the traditional way of birth.
Why are black women dying? Racism.
Black birthing women in the United States are dying at 3 to 4 times the rate than white women. Race is not a risk factor in maternal health.. Racism is. She has seen first hand how racism puts black mothers’ lives at risk in the birthing room. Originally, black slave mothers were used to practice cesearan births without medications. Birth trauma is generational in the black community. Black mothers are afraid because of historical racism and abuse. If you are afraid, or birthing in fear your cervix will not open making it impossible to give birth vaginally.

“When you feel empowered. Your kids feel empowered. Your whole house is better off.”
– Rachel Nicks
It sounds basic but in action it can be more challenging. If you value, support yourself and get the help that you need to feel well as a mother it is a ripple effect out into your family. You deserve to feel well inside and out during your journey into motherhood.
“Look at Miss USA, she was gorgeous. But her insides were not good. She is a black woman. She looks perfect. But, she is not. Just because you look perfect. Doesn’t mean that you are. When you look perfect, sometimes people don’t ask how you are.”
– Rachel Nicks
If you want to help and support ending the black maternal health crisis please donate to Birth Queen. Rachel and her team have done the research and know how to help the black community. They act as the bridge for those that want to help. Donate Here.
Black lives matter. “We want to feel like human beings throughout our day and not be reminded that we are black every day.” Rachel says. The stigma of black parents in America of black families being on welfare, taking advantage of “the system” hurts black families from feeling empowered in parenthood. Check in with your own assumptions you may have with the black community and ask yourself, “Is that true?”. According to the CDC, black fathers are the most involved! Expose yourself to empowering black motherhood stories from Melanted Mamas.
“I think if we centered the mother in the birth. A lot would change across the board.”
– Rachel Nicks
Rachel says, “I want them to be able to put their feet up and feel beautiful and supported. And know that all of the strength and resources are found within them. And I’m here trying to create more. Because we are taught as black women “you got this” and sometimes I am tired, I am stressed and need help! I didn’t feel comfortable saying I am tired or stressed. Yes, I choose joy but I am also fragile and I am having a tough moment, chapter or day. That is okay and doesn’t make me weak. I want black women to give themselves permission to feel like a beautiful birthing queen. You do not need to fear your birth if you arm yourself with the right people and birth resources.”

“Motherhood is #BeautifulChaos. Yes there is chaos, but the beauty comes first. I want all women to lean into their power and sexiness. I want all women to relish in OUR POWER.“
– Rachel Nicks
Changing the birth dialogue for birthing mothers and families is generational work and Rachel needs your support and help to make an impact! Check out her podcast Birth Queen, donate to Birth Queen or take her free class on EFY from the Maternal Wellness Summit 2022 on the Member Portal.